City Council Information
Nathan Murrell, Mayor |
296-0568 |
Jimmy Luster |
876-8546 |
Cory Gayman |
860-0747 |
Nick Bland, Mayor Pro Tem |
876-3403 |
Brett Entrikin |
391-6183 |
City Council meets every 1st and 3rd Monday at 5:30 pm at City Hall.
(Meetings are subject to change.)
El Dorado Springs is a third class city with a Council-Manager form of government.
The City Council consists of five members. They are elected to staggered three-year terms. Each council member represents all the citizens. To be elected, a candidate must be 21 years of age, have lived in the City for one year and have paid all their city taxes.
Each year, at the first council meeting following the general election the City Council elects one member to serve as Mayor and one to serve as Mayor Pro Tem for the term of one year.
The City Council and Staff encourage all residents to attend meetings to voice any ideas or concerns. There is a public forum on Council meeting agendas designated just for this type of input. Guidelines are available upon request.