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Animal Control - Adopt a Pet

(To sign up for ElDo Buzz, see below)

Officer available Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 3:00pm

Call:  876-2313

Animal Control Truck photo

See www.petfinder.com for pictures of current pound pets.

ANIMAL REGULATIONS:   All dogs and cats are required to be on a leash or confined at all times.   

 The City of El Dorado Springs has an Animal Control Department to enforce ordinances pertaining to domestic animals and livestock. It operates within the Police Department and has one full-time employee. That employee divides their time between animal control duties and other nuisance violations such as weeds, junk vehicles and other types of nuisances.

The City has ordinances that regulate the number of dogs and other livestock.  All dogs and cats are prohibited from running at large.  Dogs are required to be vaccinated against rabies and have a city dog license annually.

The City maintains an animal shelter for animals that are captured running at large. Animals are kept for five days. Owners may redeem their animals during this period.  At the end of the five days, if the animal is unclaimed by the owner, any person may adopt the animal by paying the apprehension fee of $2.00 and the daily boarding fee of $2.00 per day. 

Anyone interested in adoption of these animals or making a donation for their care should contact the Animal Control Officer at 876-2313 before 3:00 p.m. weekdays.

If you would like to receive text, email and/or voice messages regarding Pound Pets or Dog License renewal reminders, Sign-Up Here.

Pound Pets

See www.petfinder.com for a listing and pictures of current Pound Pets.

135 W. Spring Street, El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 Phone: 417-876-2521 Fax: 417-876-4320
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